10 Eylül 2015 Perşembe

How to make Firefox autoplay Youtube video in HD

   In this post, I'm going to share How to make Firefox web browser  auto play Youtube Video in HD .

     What this software does is it add "&hd=1" to the youtube URL . This is a convention set by Youtube to play video in HD. If by any means Youtube change it convention, this post can only  be use as a reference and not as a solution .

   Need to be note here that this only work on Youtube website and not with embedded player . By default this add on will automatically play 720p even if 1080p data stream is available.

   Below are the steps to install this add on.


1. Open 'Firefox>Tools>Add on' 

Click add on on Firefox
2. Search in the add on box "Youtube-HD"

Search for Youtube HD
3. Click and install Youtube -HD software

Add Youtube-HD software

4. Make sure the program is installed

Installed program

5. Refresh your Youtube browser . You are good to go

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