10 Eylül 2015 Perşembe

How to do progress indicator using bash

  Sometimes when our machine is doing job for longer time period, we need some methods to make sure the end user being keep updated. One such example I can think off is when  we are  running our system backup script.The reason why we need such application is to make sure the end user feel content and not thinking that the script they are running are  hung or inactive.It is important for the script to do their job until finish without being interrupted .

Few example that I can think of for the progress indicator are as below

Rotating Line
Progress Counter counting to 100%

It must be highlighted that all this application are running in a loop(for,while,until)  and it should be use as a function in your script.Below are example of progress indicator script that you can try to play around



 INT=1                                #declaring the variable

while true
     echo -n "." 
     sleep $INT 

 Rotating Line


CHA=( "-" "\\" "|" "/" )

while true                             #While function as controlling loop

    loc=$(($CNT % 4))            #using the modulo expression for arithmetic fn 

    echo -en "\b${CHA[$loc]}"  #check this link for bash arrays info.
    CNT=$(($CNT + 1))            #Increasing the CouNTer
    sleep $INT


 Increasing Progress indicator


LIST="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"             #Note that there is a different when we
INT=1                                          #use (),"",'' .Maybe Ill explain in diff. post 

for NIM in ${LIST}                         #For function  as controlling loop
    len=$(echo ${LIST} | wc -w)             #"wc"command is used print new line
    echo -en "\b\b\b$(($NIM*100/$len))%"
    sleep $INT


That's it for now. click here to download the script.

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