10 Eylül 2015 Perşembe

Linux Bash Shell Tutorial : How to change user terminal password in Ubuntu using command line and GUI

 Changing terminal password is an important  part in managing a Linux system. There will be a time when you want to change terminal password to something more secure or reliable. This tutorial will  guide you on how to change user terminal password using either the terminal command or Ubuntu GUI.

1)Change password from the Terminal

1.1) Run in terminal "passwd" command
orca@Positive-Space:~$ passwd                                                                                                                                        

On running the command, you  will be prompted to enter your new password. Enter your new password to confirm. Your password will be updated  straight away .

2)Change password from Ubuntu GUI

2.1) Search user accounts from Ubuntu dash panel
 Search for User accounts setting panel .

2.2)Click  password panel to change the password.

2.3)Change your password and click "Change"

Logout from the system and  test your new password !! :-)

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