10 Eylül 2015 Perşembe

How to save time doing passive discovery in Kali Linux using discover or backtrack script framework

   Passive discovery is an activity of looking and searching information about certain organization or a network.While Kali Linux has massive tools that we can utilize to do this, it might take us a lot of time in learning each tools.

  To solve this problem, we can use discover scripts or previously known as backtrack scripts in our Kali Linux system.The  framework was written by
Lee Baird .Discover script not only incorporate various kali tools but it is also easy to use .

   In this tutorial I'll share on how to setup the framework with  Kali Linux  and then I will share on how you can use this framework top ook for a network or any network or company passive information.

1)Installing Discover script

 1.1) Clone git to Kali Linux.

orca@omura:~$ cd /opt                                                                                 
orca@omura:/opt$ sudo git clone https://github.com/leebaird/discover.git   

1.2)Setup and install the necessary file for your system .

orca@omura:~$ cd /opt/discover                                                                             
orca@omura:/opt/discover$ sudo  ./setup.sh                                                           

 2 ) Using the framework for passive discovery

2.1) Go to  discover folder and execute the "discover.sh" file .

orca@omura:~$ cd /opt/discover                                                                             
orca@omura:/opt/discover$ sudo  ./setup.sh                                                           

2.2)The framework will load and you will be given a list of  task that can be executed .Use the number in the left for the selection.

Discover framework

2.3)In this example, I will run a script and get information base on domain , I choose "1" .

discover script selection

 2.4)Then Choose "2" and key in the domain name. in this example, i look for information for "www.google.com" .The framework will then run and execute the required tools for this task.

key in the domain url

2.5) Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy it while the scripts doing it's job. :-)

the system is working hard!

2.5) Upon completing,  the result and report will be prepared and you can view it using internet browser.

2.6) To access this file, from the terminal, go  to "/root/data/(domain name)/"

orca@omura:~$ cd /opt/discover                                                                             
orca@omura:/opt/discover$ firefox /root/data/www.google.com                            

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