10 Eylül 2015 Perşembe

How to change Blogspot/Blogger domain URL to custom domain URL

   The new year is just around the corner, some of you out there might be thinking of updating their blog domain name to other URL . There are a lot of reason why getting your own domain  is encourage .You can have a read on what other blogger wrote about this topic  . Personally ,why I want to change my current blog name  because of the "name branding" and "URL promotion" attach to it  .

  In this tutorial, I'm going to share how you can change your blogger domain to custom domain URL . I will use the existing blogger free hosting function and will only change the site URL. I used Go daddy as my domain registrar. There are quite a few out there registrar for you to choose. If you are planning to use Go Daddy ,please use my ref feral  by quoting "WOWG33ky" .You will be getting 20% out off your purchase. Once you completed the linking between your new domain URL and Blogspot/Blogger hosting, you  don't need to do anything on your previous post. It will be updated automatically.

Below are what you will be doing throughout this tutorial .


1. Purchase a domain name
2. Link the new domain URL to Google domain server .
3. Save the setting in Blogspot.

Steps by steps :)

1.Purchase a domain name . You  are free to choose to buy  a domain name from any domain registrar .Below is quick suggestion that you can look into .
I will not write in detail on how you can do this  as it will use different interface for registration on different registrar . But the idea of it should be similar .You can refer it to my video for guideline

2. Link the new URL to Google server.

2.1 On Blogger ,go to 'Blogger>Settings>Basic ' fill in box for  your new registered domain URL . Then click save . The system will give an "Error 12 "  and you will be assign with  CNAME details. CNAME stand for Canonical Name record which is a resource record in the DNS .It is used to specify that a domain name uses the IP address of another domain .For more information,you can read here.

Click save to get this information
Pay attention to the second line in the  of the  CNAME. This is name and where it pointed to is unique to every user. 

CNAME assigned

2.2. Login to your domain account and update the  CNAME  details. "edit" the  DNS zone file. Below is snapshot from Go Daddy DNS zone.

Go Daddy classic DNS editor

2.3 Look for CNAME table  and update the information from the Blogspot. Click the "pencil" sign to edit the "www" detail.

CNAME  detail update in Go Daddy account

For the unique name and pointed field, click  "Quick add"  and add it on . Make sure both details are update in CNAME information table .

Updated CName

2.4(OPTIONAL) Updating the "A records" . A records is a table of IP address that will point to Google server. If you skip this step, whenever a visitor looking for your page who leave the "www" ,it will show as an error page. To point it to Google server IP, you need to add  below IP .
Updated A records

Don't forget to save the file

3. Save your setting in the Blogspot . If you do everything correctly,the server will notified your new URL and  "Error 12" will be  remove. 

Blog setting

4.Test your new link . It should work

Woo hooo!! your new domain

That's it for now. Drop some comment and have a good day!!

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